系列的休闲椅共三种款式可选:软包款、藤面款及高背款,满足大部分空间的需求。软包款为经典grove设计,柔软的软包结合实木框架,靠背及座面的角度符合人体工学,久坐舒适。椅腿上的榫卯结构,来源于中国传统工艺“竹节榫”。 实木扶手经过打磨后,仍然保留原木的肌理和触感。藤面款设计灵感源于《四景山水图》中的醉翁椅,更适合田园风的居家设计,悠然自得。 高背款设计灵感源于20世纪最负盛名的红蓝椅,增高的靠背能更好的支撑头部。坐高与沙发相约,是客厅中对坐闲谈的不二之选。
Series of lounge chair a total of three styles to choose from: upholstered models, rattan models and high-back models, to meet the needs of most spaces. The soft package model is a classic grove design, soft soft package combined with solid wood frame, backrest and seat angle ergonomic, comfortable to sit for a long time. The mortise and tenon structure on the chair legs is derived from the traditional Chinese craft of "bamboo mortise and tenon". Solid wood armrests are polished to retain the texture and feel of the original wood. The design of the rattan surface model is inspired by the drunkard's chair in "Four Views of the Landscape", which is more suitable for rustic home design and relaxation. High-back model design inspired by the most prestigious red and blue chair in the 20th century, the heightened backrest can better support the head. Sitting high with the sofa, it is a good choice for sitting and gossiping in the living room.
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