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Belle Frank

设计灵感源自中国旗袍,上宽下窄的身形,纤细的扶手,散发着东方女性的美。采用传统的八络手绑弹簧工艺, 笔挺的靠背略为后倾,下摆做微微开衩,随性耷拉,形态如衣袂翩翩的古代女子。 裙摆内加里衬,使得面料笔挺有型,柔中带刚。

The design is inspired by the Chinese cheongsam, with a wide upper and narrow lower body shape and slim armrests, exuding the beauty of oriental women. Using the traditional eight-loop hand-tied spring process, the straight backrest is slightly backward, and the hemline is slightly slit, drooping casually, with the form of an ancient woman with fluttering clothes. The skirt is lined inside, making the fabric stiff and rigid in softness.


Product Details

规格 Size
材质 Material
材料源地 Material Origin
产地 Production Place
温州 WenZhou
