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整体灵感来源于里特维尔德的"zig-zag chair”,一把有着折纸般曲线的椅子。Horizon 如同一件雕塑,极具线条感,时而充当边几,时而充当餐凳、时而充当床尾凳等。我们希望 Horizon 系列的造型更有包容性,使其更好地融入不同生活场景。Horizon 椅有橡木、橡木擦黑、胡桃木可供选择。

Inspired by Rietveld's "zig-zag chair", a chair with origami-like curves, Horizon is a sculpture with a strong sense of line, sometimes acting as a side table, sometimes as a dining stool, sometimes as an end-of-bed stool, etc. We wanted Horizon to be more inclusive in its shape, so that it would fit better into different living scenarios. We wanted the Horizon collection to be more inclusive, so that it would fit better into different living scenarios.


Product Details

规格 Size
材质 Material
材料源地 Material Origin
产地 Production Place
温州 WenZhou
